Morning Drop Off Routines
Drop off and Pick up MapAll children are to be dropped off in two areas:
- At the corner of the Parish hall and vehicle exit are ONLY by cars coming from the parish parking lot towards the school.
- From a car parked in one of the parking stalls in the school or parish parking lots.
When exiting the school parking, please use an alternating stop and go procedure when the two lanes meet at the corner of the parish hall.
Do not stop in front of the school to pick up your child
Afternoon Pick Up Routines
- There tends to be a lot more movement and excitement after school. Please drive slowly and cautiously through the parking lots.
- The designated pickup zone in front of the school is ONLY for parents who parked in the parking lots. Do not stop your car to pickup your child in front of this area.
When exiting the school parking, please use an alternating stop and go procedure when the two lanes meet at the corner of the parish hall.
Do not stop in front of the school to pick up your child
This page refers to routines that could be affected by the schools safety plans. Please go to COVID-19 page for more information