January 21st, 2015 PEC Newsletter

Annual General Meeting
On the 29th of January there will be an AGM held in the parish centre starting at 6:30 pm. All families are to attend this meeting, as there will be very important topics to be discussed. All families that attend will get 2 hours counted towards their parent participation hours.

Open House (Need hours??)
On Sunday, February 1st from 9:30-2:00 and Tuesday, February 3rd from 9:00-3:30 St. Bernadette School will be hosting an open house. In order for our school to look good we need the help of our great community to help clean the school. On January 26-30 we will be taking a few days to clean the school. Families that would like to help please contact Giuliana @ lanci.giuliana@yahoo.ca so we can make sure we have enough helpers. Thank you in advance for all your help and dedication.

New PEC Member
We are pleased to announce that Ashley Hartnett has been appointed by Father Paul to fill the current vacant position. She will be joining the PEC until the end of this school year.

January 21st, 2015 newsletter

January 21st, 2015

 Catholic Schools Week flyer
 PEC Newsletter(Going home on Thursday)

January 22nd – Hot Dog Day
January 29th – AGM Meeting 6:30-7:30 (Parish Centre)
February 1st – Open House (after all masses)
February 2nd-6th – Catholic Schools Week (please see flyer for more details
February 3rd – Open House 10am-3pm everyone is welcome
February 6th – Casual for Covenant House – Non-uniform day

The virtue of the Month for January is humility. When we teach the theme for the school year, Live the Joy of the Gospel, part of living the joy is attending to our humility towards others and the Lord. We teach the child that joy stands for Jesus, others, and yourself. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less” – C.S. Lewis. This leads to a deeper sense of self awareness and self actualization. As we go through the month of January, we are building our character traits by learning to put others needs before our own. One way the students will attend to this practice is by learning about and donating to Covenant House. Covenant House works to meet the needs of the homeless youth population of the Lower Mainland.

Just a reminder that the General Fee cheque in the amount of $100.00 will be cashed on February 1st.

Please join us as St. Bernadette School celebrates Catholic Schools Week February 1-6.
Please see the Catholic Schools Week attachment for more information. We have events planned for each day such as Open House, Line Dancing and Literacy Night. We extend a warm welcome to all. Bring your family and friends to join in and learn more about our school. Please visit us on FaceBook or the school website for more information.

Application forms for new students for the upcoming school year 2015-16 are now available and can be picked up from the school office. Families who have children entering Kindergarten will be given the application form with the Re-registration package. If you haven’t notified the office that you have a pre-school child applying for admittance for the 2015-16 school year, please do so as soon as possible.
Promotional Event: Current families get their re-registration fee for the following year (currently $150) waived if they refer a family that stays the year.

We need volunteers for the week of January 26-30 from 9:00 to 3:00 to do a thorough cleaning of the school for our Open House. Please call or email the school with your availability. This will go towards your Parent Participation hours.

The school is in need of a handy man to help with repairs to the school fence and various indoor repairs. If you have a skill set that you believe can help make the school a safer place for our children, please contact the office. We are very grateful of all the volunteers who work in and around our school to make it a wonderful learning environment for our children.

In an effort to eliminate some of your emails that you receive, we will no longer be sending you the ‘NSTEP’s monthly newsletter. We encourage you to check out their website; www.nstep.ca

On Friday February 6th, the school will be hosting Casual for Covenant House. Students are bring in a minimal donation of $1.00 to help children who are homeless in the Lower Mainland. It is a non-uniform day for students who bring in a donation. Covenant House began as a Catholic organization that focused on helping marginalized youth in Vancouver.

Le Carnaval will be on Wednesday, February 4th from approx 9:15 am until lunchtime (12:15). Dismissal is as usual (2:15).
What to wear? Dress like Bonhomme Carnaval (white pants and top, red tuque, colourful belt or sash) a voyageur or coureur de bois (dark pants, long sleeve winter shirt, tuque, belt or sash) une duchesse (duchess) or les carnavaleux (winter festival-goers).
If you would like to earn hours by helping at Le Carnaval, please contact Mme. Peck at the school.

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school!
Tuesday, February 3rd (12:15pm) to Friday, February 6th 8:45-9:15am, 11:30-12:45pm, 2:45-3:30pm daily (2:00-2:45pm Wednesday only)
If you cannot attend, you may use the Student Wish List order form and send it back to school with your child, along with payment in the correct amount (cash or cheque) and one of our volunteers can assist you child with their purchase.
Our annual Family Literacy Night will be held on Thursday February 5th 6:30-8:30pm. There your family can shop together, participate in literacy activities and enter our Book Fair Draw. You could win $50 worth of books – $25 for your family and $25 for your child’s teacher. During the event, we also invite you to help build up our library by purchasing books and donating them to the school through the Classroom Wish List program, which will be displayed in the library.

The Used Uniform Store is located at the Doshi residence. Their address is 130820- 66A Avenue, and their ph # is 604-590-0777. Please call to make an appointment. All proceeds from the Uniform Store are given directly back to the school. Donations of uniforms and/or gym strip are always accepted. Please, if you are donating uniforms/or gym strip to the Uniform Store, please ensure that the clothing is WASHED, clean and in good shape.

The Inside Scoop is an informal way for the families to communicate with other families. It is a newsletter that typically goes out on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. If you need services, have an item to sell, giving away items, etc. this is the place to advertise. The Inside Scoop is prepared by Anne-Marie Palma and sent out through the School. If you need to place an advertisement in the Inside Scoop you can e-mail her at amfaron@yahoo.com Please e-mail her no later than the second Friday of each month.


January 14, 2015 Newsletter

January 14, 2015

January 22nd – Hot Dog Day
January 29th – AGM Meeting 6:30-7:30 (Parish Centre)
February 1st – Open House (after all masses)
February 3rd – Open House 10am – 3pm, everyone is welcome
The virtue of the Month for January is humility. When we teach the theme for the school year, Live the Joy of the Gospel, part of living the joy is attending to our humility towards others and the Lord. We teach the child that joy stands for Jesus, others, and yourslef. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less” – C.S. Lewis. This leads to a deeper sense of self awareness and self actualization. As we go through the month of January, we are building our character traits by learning to put others needs before our own. One way the students will attend to this practice is by learning about and donating to Covenant House. Covenant House works to meet the needs of the homeless youth population of the Lower Mainland.

Application forms for new students for the upcoming school year 2015-16 are now available and can be picked up from the school office. Families who have children entering Kindergarten will be given the application form with the Re-registration package. If you haven’t notified the office that you have a pre-school child applying for admittance for the 2015-16 school year, please do so as soon as possible.

Congratulation to the Gr.6/7 mixed basketball team for winning the Cloverdale Catholic Basketball Tournament. Basketball is in full swing and we look forward to the variety of successes every team will bring to the school.

We need volunteers for the week of January 26-30 from 9:00 to 3:00 to do a thorough cleaning of the school for our Open House. Please call or email the school with your availability. This will go towards your Parent Participation hours.

Saturday, January 17 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. we are planning a kitchen cleanup in our Parish Hall. We would like to ask our parishioners who enjoy the use and benefits of the kitchen to come out and help. We will need a few men to clean the stove and help move the fridge and freezer. Please help to take pride in our parish by offering a few hours of your time.
This will count towards your Parent Participation hours.
Please contact Shirley 604.599.6895 or Marie 604.598.0270 to sign up.

Please notify the school office by January 23rd if you have a pre-school child who will be applying for admittance for the upcoming school year 2015-16.

Le Carnaval will be on Wednesday, February 4th from approx 9:15 am until lunchtime (12:15). Dismissal is as usual (2:15).
What to wear? Dress like Bonhomme Carnaval (white pants and top, red tuque, colourful belt or sash) a voyageur or coureur de bois (dark pants, long sleeve winter shirt, tuque, belt or sash) une duchesse (duchess) or les carnavaleux (winter festival-goers).
If you would like to earn hours by helping at Le Carnaval, please contact Mme. Peck at the school.

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school!
Tuesday, February 3rd (12:15pm) to Friday, February 6th 8:45-9:15am, 11:30-12:45pm, 2:45-3:30pm daily (2:00-2:45pm Wednesday only)
If you cannot attend, you may use the Student Wish List order form and send it back to school with your child, along with payment in the correct amount (cash or cheque) and one of our volunteers can assist you child with their purchase.
Our annual Family Literacy Night will be held on Thursday February 5th 6:30-8:30pm. There your family can shop together, participate in literacy activities and enter our Book Fair Draw. You could win $50 worth of books – $25 for your family and $25 for your child’s teacher. During the event, we also invite you to help build up our library by purchasing books and donating them to the school through the Classroom Wish List program, which will be displayed in the library.
Some families are having issues with the newsletters, for some reason they are not able to open the attachment. We are going to see if this can be resolved, in the meantime, if you are not able to open the attachement, the newsletter is posted on the school website; www.stbernadetteschool.ca.
The Used Uniform Store is located at the Doshi residence. Their address is 130820- 66A Avenue, and their ph # is 604-590-0777. Please call to make an appointment. All proceeds from the Uniform Store are given directly back to the school. Donations of uniforms and/or gym strip are always accepted. Please, if you are donating uniforms/or gym strip to the Uniform Store, please ensure that the clothing is WASHED, clean and in good shape.

The Inside Scoop is an informal way for the families to communicate with other families. It is a newsletter that typically goes out on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. If you need services, have an item to sell, giving away items, etc. this is the place to advertise. The Inside Scoop is prepared by Anne-Marie Palma and sent out through the School. If you need to place an advertisement in the Inside Scoop you can e-mail her at amfaron@yahoo.com Please e-mail her no later than the second Friday of each month.


Annual General Meeting

On the 29th of January there will be an AGM held in the parish centre starting at 6:30 pm. All families are to attend this meeting, as there will be very important topics to be discussed. All families that attend will get 2 hours counted towards their parent participation hours.
Open House (Need hours??)

On Sunday, February 1st from 9:30-2:00 and Tuesday, February 3rd from 9:00-3:30 St. Bernadette School will be hosting an open house. In order for our school to look good we need the help of our great community to help clean the school. On January 26-30 we will be taking a few days to clean the school. Families that would like to help please contact Giuliana @ lanci.giuliana@yahoo.ca so we can make sure we have enough helpers. Thank you in advance for all your help and dedication.
AGM – January 29th @ 6:30
Sunday, February 1st & Tuesday, February 3rd – Open House

Greg Palm
Chair & CISVA Delegate
Giuliana Lanci
Vice-Chair & Maintenance
Claudia Martinelli
Secretary & Social Committee
Sonja Rematore
Parent Participation
Cheryl Chiang
Evelyn Urrutia

January 7, 2015

January 7, 2015

January 9th – Mass (7)
January 14th – Epiphany Assembly (2)
January 22nd – Hot Dog Day
January 29th – AGM Meeting 6:30-7:30 (Parish Centre)
Feburary 1st – Open House after the masses on Sunday
Feburary 3rd – Open House 10am – 3pm, everyone is welcome
On behalf of the staff at St. Bernadette School we would like to thank everyone for your kindness & generosity that you bestowed upon us with the personal gifts and for the donations to Chalice.

School Mass will on Friday, January 9th. On Mass days the bell rings at 8:45am. If your child is late for school on a Mass day please bring him or her to the school first to sign in at the school office. Students must be in full school uniform.

The virtue of the Month for January is humility. When we teach the theme for the school year, Live the Joy of the Gospel, part of living the joy is attending to our humility towards others and the Lord. We teach the child that joy stands for Jesus, others, and yourslef. “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less” – C.S. Lewis. This leads to a deeper sense of self awareness and self actualization. As we go through the month of January, we are building our character traits by learning to put others needs before our own. One way the students will attend to this practice is by learning about and donating to Covenant House. Covenant House works to meet the needs of the homeless youth population of the Lower Mainland.

Please notify the school office by January 23rd if you have a pre-school child who will be applying for admittance for the upcoming school year 2015-16.

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school!
Tuesday, February 3rd (12:15pm) to Friday, February 6th 8:45-9:15am, 11:30-12:45pm, 2:45-3:30pm daily (2:00-2:45pm Wednesday only)
If you cannot attend, you may use the Student Wish List order form and send it back to school with your child, along with payment in the correct amount (cash or cheque) and one of our volunteers can assist you child with their purchase.
Our annual Family Literacy Night will be held on Thursday February 5th 6:30-8:30pm. There your family can shop together, participate in literacy activities and enter our Book Fair Draw. You could win $50 worth of books – $25 for your family and $25 for your child’s teacher. During the event, we also invite you to help build up our library by purchasing books and donating them to the school through the Classroom Wish List program, which will be displayed in the library.

Some families are having issues with the newsletters, for some reason they are not able to open the attachment. We are going to see if this can be resolved, in the meantime, if you are not able to open the attachement, the newsletter is posted on the school website; www.stbernadetteschool.ca.

The Inside Scoop is an informal way for the families to communicate with other families. It is a newsletter that typically goes out on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. If you need services, have an item to sell, giving away items, etc. this is the place to advertise. The Inside Scoop is prepared by Anne-Marie Palma and sent out through the School. If you need to place an advertisement in the Inside Scoop you can e-mail her at amfaron@yahoo.com Please e-mail her no later than the second Friday of each month.