May 6th, 2015

• PEC Newsletter

May 8th – School Mass
May 8th – Mother’s Day Tea 10:00-12:00
May 9th – K of C Track Meet @ Bear Creek Park
May 10th – Happy Mother’s Day
May 15th – Feast Day (NO SCHOOL)
May 18th – Victoria Day (NO SCHOOL)
May 21st – Hot Dog Day
May 27th – Crowning of Mary
June 5th – School Mass (2)
June 5th – Uniform Fitting 2:30-7:00
June 5th – Year End BBQ

For the Month of May students will focus on the virtue of Acceptance. God desires for our children to make friends with everyone, no matter how different they may look or act. At St. Bernadette’s an accepting person is one who treats everyone with respect, is non-judgemental, is welcoming to everyone, and is loving and happy with him/herself. The virtue of acceptance means we accept ourselves and others just the way we are. God does not make junk. He makes everyone in his image, and therefore everyone is a perfect creation. “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honoured, all rejoice together with it. Now you are the body of Christ and individually member of it” – 1 Cor. 12:26-27. This month we celebrate those in our school are being accepted more fully into the Church through the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation. As Martin Luther King said “God does not love us because we are valuable. We are valuable because God loves us.” and accepts us for who we are.

The school would like to congratulate our recent communicants (and their parents) on their First Holy Communion that took place last Sunday, May 3rd. The grade 2s were well prepared, reverent, and attentive throughout the mass. The school is very proud of them receiving this sacrament of initiation. May God bless them as they continue their faith journey.
School Mass will on Friday, May 8th. On Mass days the bell rings at 8:45am. If your child is late for school on a Mass day please bring him or her to the school first to sign in at the school office. Students must be in full school uniform.

Cambridge Uniforms will be here on Friday, June 5th for uniform fittings from 2:30pm-7:00pm.

St. Bernadette School will be having their yearly attendance audit next month. Students who have been absent must have an absent note on file with the days & reason of absenteeism along with the parent signature. Failure in not having an absent note for the days absence not accompanied by a note could result in families having to pay a portion of the provincial funding. So if you are aware of any absent note(s) that has not been handed in to the office, please send it in at your earliest convenience.

With track season upon us, we ask that you clearly mark your child’s name on his/her gym strip, ie; shorts, t-shirt, sweat top, sweat pants) and school uniform. Please check your child’s gym bag on a regular basis to ensure that your child has brought home his/her OWN gym strip and/or school uniform.

The Inside Scoop is an informal way for the families to communicate with other families. It is a newsletter that goes out on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. If you need services, have an item to sell, giving away items, etc. this is the place to advertise. The Inside Scoop is prepared by Anne-Marie Palma and sent out through the School. If you need to place an advertisement in the Inside Scoop you can e-mail her at Please e-mail her no later than the second Friday of each month.

SSVP is looking for a girls’ used bike in good condition for an 11 year old girl. Please call our voice mail @ 604-785-4334 to leave a message.
The SSVP is also starting to collect used backpacks for our street ministry. If you could save any backpacks in June that you will be replacing we would appreciate it. The backpacks can dropped off in the gathering room of the church in the SSVP box.
Blessed is the mother who understands her child, for she shall inherit a kingdom of memories.
Blessed is the mother who knows how to comfort, for she shall possess a child’s devotion.
Blessed is the mother who guides by the path of righteousness, for she shall be proud of her children.
Blessed is the mother who is never shocked, for she shall receive and know confidence and security.
Blessed is the mother who teaches respect, for she shall be respected.
Blessed is the mother who emphasizes the good and minimizes the bad,
for her children shall follow her example.
Blessed is the mother who answers questions honestly, for she shall always be trusted.
Blessed is the mother who treats her children as she would like to be treated,
for her home shall always be filled with happiness.


Friday, June 5, 2015

Don’t miss out on this great family event where we’ll have games and prizes. A food pre-order form will be sent home this week.

Many volunteers are needed for set-up, during, and after the event. To volunteer, please contact Camille Evangelista —

The PEC Nominating Committee is now soliciting nominations for the election to be held following the Masses on and in anticipation of May 31, 2015 to fill two of the three upcoming vacancies on the PEC for the two-year term running from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2017. St. Bernadette parishioners who are eligible to vote in the election are also eligible to stand for election (with some exceptions). If you are interested in standing for election to the PEC, please obtain a nomination package from the school office. The nomination deadline is 3:00 p.m. on May 20, 2015.

Now available by donation at the school office.
Year-End Fun Fair
June 5, 2015
PEC Election
May 31, 2015